Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Energetic Exchange - The Frequency of Foods has Health Altering Effects on the Body and Soul

There is a magic exchanged when we eat something fresh, untainted by processing and artificial ingredients. Watching my children bend to pick the shiny, red Roma or sun kissed Cherokee purple tomato that is still pumping with nutrients and food made from chloroplasts catching the sun brings such joy to my heart. There is no sweeter, tangy to the tongue taste than popping warm raspberries from the wild cane by the pasture's edge or steep hillside.
Why is that, you ask?

It's worth more, mom, because I picked it. I climbed to the top of that muddy hill, got scratched trying to get 'em, and now they're mine! ~ 12 yr old Nate on why they taste better

Foods picked at the height of ripeness, eaten as soon as they are produced, fresh without processing, have a higher vibration, contain higher nutritional value, and their energy is maintained. This means the more whole, fresh local foods you make, and/or buy to eat, the higher your cellular structure will resonate, which means better health and well being.

Do you ever wonder why you can eat and eat at a place like a fast food pizza buffet or chain restaurant, and it takes forever to get full? Or when you bring 'fresh' produce home from the chain super market it doesn't seem to have much texture, flavor or fulfill you? By the time you get your 'fresh' food home, it is possibly only   giving off 25% of its possible energetic value. Let's compare some of the foods typically eaten by Americans.

For example, canned foods give off a '0', or have no vibrational frequency, and are dead. A Big Mac registers 5 MHz. The major organs, however, when in typical health, give off 70 MHz.A sick body resonates  at less than 60, with a tumor carrying a mere 30 MHz. So, if you are eating foods with less energetic frequencies than your organs, then you aren't giving your body the electrical charge it needs to function like the effective and powerful machine it is.

Most of  us know when the car tank is getting low; there are warning lights that go off, excess smoke starts to come out of the exhaust, and the engine sputters, eventually shutting down. The same is true with our bodies as they run out of fuel, only we aren't typically taught what food gives us the best electrical charge. It has been proven that our body is electric, by Robert O. Becker, which revolutionized how we saw our bodies, and the potential for healing through different forms of energy exchange. Look at the invention of the defibrillator and  MRI scans. Pay attention to research being conducted around the world to see how to harness the body's energy to run devices without the need for batteries. Imagine what lies ahead once that work has been complete on taking energy from the heart, blood flow, even lung contractions to power devices. (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324851704578137402753846438.html)

To understand more, see part 2 of  Energetic Exchange