Monday, September 23, 2013

The Magic of Eggs

There is something magical about going to the henhouse, looking for eggs.

Gathered in their own little basket, I love to sit them on the counter, and just look.

 They can sit for days like that, as long as it isn't summer, and I don't have to wash them until I  have

 time to nestle them within their little cartons.

Eggs are a wonder of nature, for many reasons. They are contained safely within their cellular
structure for several weeks while remaining alive. A big bonus for city dwellers is that you can keep a
nice little handful of chickens easily with a portable coop, and you don't have to own a rooster for the
hens to lay. When you decide to incubate(if you have a rooster, the eggs will be viable), you may
collect the eggs for up to ten days before they must go inside.
When cleaned by hand with a moist paper towel, the eggs don't absorb much water, and retain their
firmness, with lovely deep gold yolks. The taste is superb, and the dishes made with them fluffy, with
a nice springy texture.

I always keep one or two roosters in my coop, so most of eggs are alive, and my hens very productive, as they are sexually active. Roosters also add a calmness to the coop, as they oversee the pecking order, and are always on the lookout for predators. When the rooster finds a tasty bug or treat, he immediately calls over his girls so that they can have first dibs. He is very protective of the eggs and henhouse, as well, and will do his best to protect all in his care.

Contrary to popular belief, the roosters will not eat the chicks, if the environment of the henhouse safe, clean, and there is enough to eat. I have had up to three roosters at a time covering forty hens, and the roosters will call to the chicks, and give them food.
The hens are very protective, and, in time they will introduce the flock to the biddies, when they feel everyone has had a chance to see and smell them, but not get too close. She is a loving mother, and the biddies sit on her, poke out of her feathers, and peck at her until they are too big to do so. She is very tolerant, and will fight as hard as she can to save her brood if she thinks she has a chance.
 I believe the roosters know their own chicks, and have seen never had a rooster try to attack or eat his own. The only early deaths I've seen in six years was when I bought some young ones, and when I introduced them to the flock, the rooster did not recognize them, and tried to cover them at too early an age. After the first one was killed, it did not happen again. There was great sorrow and quiet among the flock the entire day.
(Can you spot the chick?)
Every night I check on my flock, making sure they are closed up and accounted for, and I talk to them each by name. They will cluck back at me, especially the rooster, who makes sure it is me coming in the henhouse at night. I thank them for their eggs, and also do energy work on them when I can.
The result, is a lovely, vibrant egg that some peole say makes them feel better and happier after eating our eggs.
Besides the benefit of eating vibrant, healthy meat, let's look at other positives of buying from the farm or owning poultry -
  • hens can move about, eating a wide variety of healthy groceries, and undergo less stress than from being all heaped up together, with their beaks cut off, and not able to have any exercise or fresh air;
  • hens have a nesting box or space away from others to lay their eggs in private, which also gives more health and less stress to both hen and egg;
  • there is much less disease;
  • very few antibiotics, if any are used, which means a higher grade product for you and your children
  • eggs in the store are over four months old before they even get there. They roll down wet conveyer belts, and the live egg tissue absorbs the nasty water inside, which is evidenced by the thin, runny whites when you cook. Farm eggs are usually only a week old in the produce stand, at most.
  • you are supporting local business and helping to keep farm produce in your neighborhood, as well as giving kids a chance to earn a small income and learn about raising their own flock.


I have put much of this mildly, but you get the point. If at all possible, you should try raising some

chickens yourself. Watching them becomes a meditation, and children love to hold and tame their

 flock. The chickens will follow you around, as well, coming to the windows looking for you, (and

 your table scraps) and offer a meditative repose when things aren't going well. There's nothing like

 just sitting, listening to the flock go about their routine, methodically scratching, pecking and

chasing insects and each other. It helps me to get inside myself, and to find an anchor in an ever-

changing world. Just like magic.

Let Astila help you find magic and renewed sense of purpose  in your life,

Friday, September 13, 2013

Energetic Exchange, Part III

Wild American ginseng has been found to have the highest resonancy of the different ginsengs, but all are valuable in raising the body's charge, and even claiming to help one break the addiction of chemicals in processed foods, ( (It takes about 300 roots to equal one pound of ginseng.)

Of particular value is to look at the work of researchers such as electromagnetic energy expert, John Hutchinson, and researcher Leonard Horowitz to begin to see the true power of the Sun. Dr. Horowitz discourses on the sun's vibrational rate as 528 HZ, or the frequency of love. This also relates to Dr. Emoto's work showing how water retains vibration. Dr. Horowitz combines water with this vibration from the sun into   a healing too, he calls hydrosonics. ( )

Imagine, then, that when we are eating fresh, whole plant foods, we are ingesting love. Something to think about!

But, back to Nate, and the power of connecting to the plants on a personal level. For the Native American, there is a understanding of the essence of Creator being present in every thing around, above and under us. There is a sacred reverence that occurs when we raise our own foods, be it plant or animal kingdom, because we play a part in the survival of these gifts from Nature. The work is hard, underpaid, and highly rewarding from an ethereal standpoint for which is there is no true monetary value. When we are part of the struggle of that survival, daily working with, checking on, feeding, watering, assisting in the natural process of things, we truly understand how sacred life truly is, and we then value the taking of it more. When we allow our children the privilege of creating and earning by the sweat of their brow, then they will respect where that came from, as well as garner more respect for themselves. A kinship occurs between livestock and human, gardener and garden, fruit and the hand that picks it. This, my friend, is true energetic exchange.
Connect with Atsila Agisdii

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Container and Recycled Gardens

Container Gardening
Live in an apartment, condo, or only have a small space that gets a decent amount of sun? Don't fret, use containers! All the big box stores, and your local garden shops sell great potting mixes, soil amendments, garden soil to put in them, so get crackin'! Here are some of the best ideas I've seen lately...
The Earth Box
These guys have everything you need to get started. The Earth Box is the ultimate container; you can even purchase one that will grow corn!
If you're crafty and cool, read this blog on how to make your own from scratch! Awesome!
Fabric Pots
These smart pots in particular are really cool and great to use in a variety of limited space settings,
Or, use these, which are made from recycled materials,  These look awesome!

Recycled Materials
At school recently, we made great strawberry barrels from old plastic barrels. Personally, I would use wood, but do the best you can with what you have available.
Here is a great site for barrel ideas,

 Gutters  - What a great idea for those sunny spots in a corner somewhere. No ground space needed!     Using walls as a growing space will also be a great heat sink, too.

Tires - I love the idea of reusing tires for planters.  This also conserves water and is a form of stack gardening. Apparently they are only toxic when burned, so check it out...
This below has lots of great ideas, as well. The possibilities are endless....

Energetic Exchange, part 2

If you're curious to know how much energy different parts of the body resonate, let's look at the work of Anthony Robbins Living Health, with Dr. Robert Young.
Liver 50-60     Heart 65-70     Brain 72-78     Colon 58-63     Stomach 58-65

The secret for a high powered body is to consume alkaline, high quality foods. The higher the megahertz, the more our cells chelate, or resonate, the more optimum the overall health and performance of our bodies. We also then can begin to function at a higher level in the emotional, spiritual, and intuitive spheres.

Dr. Robert Young, a forerunner in the studies of alkalinity on the body, believes that most fruits, being high in sugar, are therefore acidic, and need to taken in at a minimum. Alkaline fruits, however, are; lemons, limes, tomatoes, avocados, and peppers. Keeping our body tissues in an alkaline pH supports a thriving, vibrant system. Proper pH is the only way to keep disease at bay, as germs and disease are only a response to a weakening system.

Our body requires a 7.3 pH for optimum health, which is maintained by eating highly energetically charged, alkaline foods such as any freshly juiced vegetables, sprouted grains like spelt, quinoa, aramanth or buckwheat, which are the main alkaline grains, and especially so after sprouting, also cucumber, onion, garlic and most vegetable tops.

Eating yeast laden bread is another great destructor of the human body. There are many studies, especially in Japan that show that breast cancer always presents with calcium oxalic acid, a non-human by product that most fungi create. ( )

Let's look at some foods that aid the body in alkalinity post digestion ~
goat milk                    eggs                    whey        almonds       most herbs       beans that are green or sprouted    peas     potatoes
plain yogurt                natural sweeteners like cane sugar, honey, brown rice syrup        fresh coconut products

I will praise and extol the benefits of fresh goat milk products and eggs in another post...

Now, some foods to avoid ~
hard cheeses         most sweeteners             alcohol         carbonated drinks     meat        beans like pintos, mung, navy, lentils, black         processed mustard, ketchup, mayo dried coconut products  breads and their by-products

So, let's look at the energetic value of some foods....

Live, fresh wheat grass - 70 -90        Raw almonds 40-50     fresh veggies 70-90

Essential Oils, while not foods, are wonderful, natural supplements that aid in many areas of our health.
Young Essential Oils are the best I know of, so pure that many can be ingested. Here's just a sample of their oils frequencies due to quality of product ~
Sandalwood 96      Angelica 85     Myrrh 105      Lavender 118     Helicrysum 181
A rose  - 320 MHz  and every part of a rose is edible, btw, but I'll discuss edible medicinal plants in another post.

Unfortunately, many wonderful foods are not publically listed, as it would bring down an attack from the government if we offered assistance to We the People by explaining how to fight cancers and disease through something as 'simple' and easily accessible as plants, especially ginseng and foods containing laetrile. Many researchers and scientists have died doing so. See for further information.

Also note that cell phones give off microwaves in the range of 500- 900 MHz, which leads to different levels of neuron destruction and brain damage over time. Scientists are now seeing the potential of panax or red ginseng in combating the issues caused by long term cell phone  usage.( )

See more at Energetic Exchange, part III

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Or, feel free to visit my healing modalities web site

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Feel alone, isolated, unloved? Begin to feel safe here...

Clients have been asking me to teach for years, and I do, on a one to one basis. Now is the time, however, to reach out globally, finding people in all corners who are lost, alone, searching for peace, an answer to why they walk the earth. You are not alone. You are protected, loved and deserve to find a way home. Let me begin to share what I've learned with you all. Be blessed...FE
Ground/Protect the Body 1

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Energetic Exchange - The Frequency of Foods has Health Altering Effects on the Body and Soul

There is a magic exchanged when we eat something fresh, untainted by processing and artificial ingredients. Watching my children bend to pick the shiny, red Roma or sun kissed Cherokee purple tomato that is still pumping with nutrients and food made from chloroplasts catching the sun brings such joy to my heart. There is no sweeter, tangy to the tongue taste than popping warm raspberries from the wild cane by the pasture's edge or steep hillside.
Why is that, you ask?

It's worth more, mom, because I picked it. I climbed to the top of that muddy hill, got scratched trying to get 'em, and now they're mine! ~ 12 yr old Nate on why they taste better

Foods picked at the height of ripeness, eaten as soon as they are produced, fresh without processing, have a higher vibration, contain higher nutritional value, and their energy is maintained. This means the more whole, fresh local foods you make, and/or buy to eat, the higher your cellular structure will resonate, which means better health and well being.

Do you ever wonder why you can eat and eat at a place like a fast food pizza buffet or chain restaurant, and it takes forever to get full? Or when you bring 'fresh' produce home from the chain super market it doesn't seem to have much texture, flavor or fulfill you? By the time you get your 'fresh' food home, it is possibly only   giving off 25% of its possible energetic value. Let's compare some of the foods typically eaten by Americans.

For example, canned foods give off a '0', or have no vibrational frequency, and are dead. A Big Mac registers 5 MHz. The major organs, however, when in typical health, give off 70 MHz.A sick body resonates  at less than 60, with a tumor carrying a mere 30 MHz. So, if you are eating foods with less energetic frequencies than your organs, then you aren't giving your body the electrical charge it needs to function like the effective and powerful machine it is.

Most of  us know when the car tank is getting low; there are warning lights that go off, excess smoke starts to come out of the exhaust, and the engine sputters, eventually shutting down. The same is true with our bodies as they run out of fuel, only we aren't typically taught what food gives us the best electrical charge. It has been proven that our body is electric, by Robert O. Becker, which revolutionized how we saw our bodies, and the potential for healing through different forms of energy exchange. Look at the invention of the defibrillator and  MRI scans. Pay attention to research being conducted around the world to see how to harness the body's energy to run devices without the need for batteries. Imagine what lies ahead once that work has been complete on taking energy from the heart, blood flow, even lung contractions to power devices. (

To understand more, see part 2 of  Energetic Exchange